Providing financial support to aspiring junior golfers furthering the mission of Junior Golf Hub!
2021 HCS
Scholarship Winners

Charlie Fischer
3rd Place

Trevor Hislop
4th Place

Sachin Blake
5th Place

Anna Davis
1st Place

Elise Lee
2nd Place

Irene Kim
3rd Place

Amelie Phung
4th Place
What is the
Hub Cup?
The Hub Cup is an annual scholarship competition for Junior Golf Hub members! The standings are determined primarily by tournament scoring average with minimum additional criteria necessary to be eligible to win!
By incentivizing athletes to achieve the necessary Hub Cup Standings criteria, the scholarships further Junior Golf Hub’s mission to shift the landscape of junior golf in a positive way.
Prizes awarded as follows:
The following scholarships will be awarded to one boy and one girl:
First Place $1,000
Second Place $750
Third Place $500
Fourth Place $250
Fifth Place $250
Prizes are awarded according to the Junior Golf Hub standings on December 31st of the end of the current calendar year.
Prizes are awarded in the form of a Collegiate Level Scholarship, will comply with the rules of maintaining Amateur Status and all monies received will be paid directly to the educational institution of the winner’s choice. In the case a winner is not eligible to attend a college or university, the scholarship award will be held in escrow in their name until such time the winner enters a college or university.
All criteria elements must be met by December 31st of the qualifying year to be eligible for Hub Cup Scholarship awards. No exceptions or late submissions will be accepted.
How can I be eligible to win a scholarship?
Below is the eligibility criteria for 2022
1. Players must be between the ages of 14 and 18.
2. Compete in a minimum of 5 verified 18-hole rounds.
3. Compete in 1 verified, 2-round, 36-hole event.
4. Need to opt himself/herself to be searchable.
5. Be a Junior Golf Hub Premium Member.
6. Must submit a written essay about a special golf related experience or why golf is special to them. No word count limit.
7. Must have completed a PDI Self-Assessment in 2022.
What is The Hub Cup?
The Hub Cup is an annual scholarship competition for Junior Golf Hub members that runs from January 1 through December 31st. The standings are determined primarily by tournament scoring average with certain minimum eligibility criteria necessary to receive scholarships. The Top 5 Boys and Girls will be awarded scholarships to support their journey to the next level!
What are the scholarship amounts?
We offer a total of 10 scholarships, 5 for boys and 5 for girls. The amounts are the same and are as follows:
1st place:$1,000
2nd place:$750
3rd place:$500
4th & 5th place: $250
How can I be eligible to win a scholarship?
To be listed in The Hub Cup Standings and be eligible for a scholarship, the player must be an active member of Junior Golf Hub and meet the following criteria:
1) High school aged, must be between the ages of 14 and 18
2) Compete in a minimum of 5 verified 18-hole rounds
3) Compete in 1 verified, 2-round, 36-hole event
4) Need to opt in to be searchable if not a Premium Member
6) Complete a Junior Golf Hub PDI Self-Assessment in that calendar year
6) Submit an essay about a special golf related story or why golf is special to them.
When are The Hub Cup Standings updated?
The Hub Cup Standings are updated every Thursday at 12 PM EST.
How do I get my scores verified on Junior Golf Hub?
We have relationships with over 25 PGA Section Junior Tours as well as many other Junior Tours (AJGA, HJGT, Peggy Kirk Bell, NB3, etc.) and state/regional golf associations around the country where your scores should be automatically verified within a few days after completion of the tournament. If you do not see a result as “verified” with a green check mark on your profile, please email us at tournaments@wpstage.juniorgolfhub.com with requests to verify scores.
How are The Hub Cup Standings calculated?
Scoring Average is calculated for verified, individual tournament round scores in a 52-week rolling cycle.
Ex: The Hub Cup Standings update for Thursday, May 6, 2021 will contribute events from Monday, April 26, 2021 to Sunday, May 2nd, 2021 as eligible/counting events for scoring average calculation. Events from Monday, April 27, 2020 – Sunday, May 3rd, 2020 would no longer contribute to HCS scoring average.
How are the Hub Cup criteria broken down for calculating the standings?
Scoring average and verified rounds are the most important. There is some weight to “Top 10” finishes in verified tournament rounds and also some weight is given to the athlete’s profile strength.
How important is the essay for Hub Cup Standings?
The essay requirement was added to support our underlying philosophy to encourage all athletes on The Hub to help shift the landscape of junior golf in a positive way. We want Hub members to share their passion for golf with us. All essays submitted will be read by our team and we may choose to publish some of our favorites. The essay has no value applied to Hub Cup Standings but is required to be eligible to win any scholarship.
Do college coaches know about The Hub Cup Standings?
Yes, The Hub includes a Hub Cup Standings update (with trends) in every week’s Hub Report sent to college golf coaches.
What if I am not going to college or will not be attending college for a couple years?
If you are not planning on attending college for a couple years because of your age or you are deferring for some period of time, we will maintain your scholarship money in an account for you. When you are officially entering college, we will send your scholarship money directly to the institution of your choice on your behalf.
If you are not planning on attending college, the rules of amateur status do not allow us to pay out cash to athletes. Unfortunately, because of that, we will award the scholarship to the next player in The Hub Cup standings.
How can I learn more about the winners?
Click on the winners names or the name of any athlete in the Hub Cup Standings to view their profile!
If I win a scholarship, am I eligible to win the next year?
Yes, winners are eligible to win again as long as they meet the eligibility criteria.
Am I eligible to enter again if I didn’t win this year?
Yes, so long as you meet the eligibility criteria. We encourage all Hub members to participate each year.
Hub Cup Standings

Boys' Standings
Rank | Name | Grad Year | Events | Score |

Girls' Standings
Rank | Name | Grad Year | Events | Score |
Past HCS
Scholarship Winners

Luke Sample
Duke University Class of 2025

Alejandro Alonso
Loyola Marymount University Class of 2025

Hunter Thompson
University of Michigan Class of 2025

Leigh Chien
Class of 2024

Laney Frye
University of Kentucky Class of 2024

Sophia Sarrazin
Class of 2023